Monday, May 14, 2007

Remembering the Weekend

Its morning already. What the....I swear I just went to bed twenty minutes ago. Where did the night go. I was having a really good dream, really good if you know what I mean. Ugh. Another day, another week of work. I have a feeling this is going to be a long week. I am already counting down the moments until next weekend.

To my friend in Dublin, I had a great time with you this weekend. Thank you for sharing the trip with me. I will always remember sitting on edge of the cliff in your arms as we watched the waves roll into shore. Getting mobbed by the geese as we fed them. The old guy at the pub that spoke a mix of rough Gaelic and broken slang Irish, and when he sang Danny Boy was the only time of the night I could understand him. Thank you for being my interpreter!

I will always remember the dance we shared to the song below as we danced under the Japanese lanterns at that wonderful, little out of the way place. The sound of your nervous laugh as I looked into your eyes and you held me close is burned into my heart. There is more I could mention about you and this weekend, but that is secret and private between just us.

I found the note and the gift you hid in my travel bag. What a nice surprise to find. It brought a smile to my face and I have been thinking of you since we parted.


  1. Sounds so romantic, you two make me sick. Just kidding, you know I love you. I am just jealous. Why can't I find a nice guy like that to dance with me and take me away for the weekend? Oh thats right, they're all gay.

  2. Sounds like you had a fun time! Wishing i was there with you. The hanging out part, not the dancing close part. hehe

  3. So sweet. Good on ya!

  4. Uh oh, someones falling for someone, I can tell!!!!!!!

  5. What, cheating on me, you wait til I see you again! jk

  6. God, I am so jealous. I hate people like you. well, not really hate, just dispise you a little bit. oh, who am i kidding, you know me loves ya, ya wanker.

  7. Very sweet. Very romantic. Congrats. Just let go and allow it to happen to you. You deserve it.

  8. Never heard those girls before, I like their version of that song. Seems like you are having a great time over there. Miss you here, but enjoy there.
