Thursday, May 3, 2007

Missing My Friends

I just called back home and talked to some of my friends in the USA. They said I have picked up the Irish accent and they had some trouble understanding some of my words. It was a fun conversation and now I am missing them even more than I was earlier in the week. I am starting to get homesick and I will have to plan a visit back there soon. So to all my friends in real life and online who bring a smile to my face and I hopefully I bring one to yours, here is another video.


  1. We miss you too. Come visit soon.

  2. This is Mark and Duncan. We are still planning on coming to visit you this summer. But it would be great if you came back for a visit here soon and the old gang can get back together again.

    We are missing you too. Loved hearing from you today. I will write to you later.

  3. Daniel - Stay cool bud. See you when you come home.

  4. Jack - I just sent you an email with some pictures from the party last week. Missed seeing you there, but we know you are having a blast where you are.
