Tuesday, May 22, 2007

London and Paris

Both cities were very nice to visit. Don't think I could live at either one though. Too many people, too much traffic. I am not used to that. Plus, everything and I mean everything is way overpriced. But all in all, it was a nice trip. I had a great time seeing my cousin. I went to my first soccer(football) match and my first rugby match. Great times. My cousin and my new friend got along great. So thats a plus to keep this guy around a little longer.

I didn't get to see too much of either city this time, so I plan on going back with my friends this weekend to check out some sites in France. Since its Memorial Day weekend in the states, I want to go see some of the world war one and two memorials and battlefields. I am fascinated by that kind of stuff and I think it is very important to remember what happened on battlefields and remember those who gave their lives for what they believed in. I am looking forward to that this weekend and seeing my three girl friends who are visiting from the states.

Not sure when I will get to posting again, but I will soon. I have to get my arse in gear now and get to work. Have a good one all.

To my friends in PA without the server that is still down, next time you complain, just remember I am using dial up right now. So I don't want to hear it. Smile!


  1. I can't wait to see everything.

  2. I was in London and Paris, both dirty shiteholes me thinks.

  3. I want to see Paris. Actually I want to go shopping in Paris.

  4. I want to see Paris. Actually I want to go shopping in Paris.
