Sunday, May 6, 2007

Its been a lazy day this Sunday. First time I have really just hung out and done nothing during a day since being here. My cousin is hooked on the series Robin Hood. I have always loved Robin Hood stories myself, so he sent me the series that is currently being produced by the BBC. I spent all day catching up on the series and I must say I am now hooked. What a great program.

I found this video to post with my story for anyone not familiar with the series. Please check it out. Who doesn't love a smart, handsome, funny lad who steals from the rich and gives to the poor? Ok, well the rich, but hey you can't please everyone.

But its the side story of this show that I find compelling. How each character is looking for love. For someone to love and to be loved. Isn't that what each of us really wants out of life? I mean everything else we do, all the things we accomplish, the journeys we take, the people that come and go from our lives, isn't it all to one day find that love of all loves? The one that stops your heart in a moments time when you see their eyes, their smile. When you laugh by their side and cry when they are gone. All this we seek and we hold onto when we love someone. The human dramas are what make this program different from all the other Robin Hood shows I have seen before.

I called my cousin to let him know I finally watched the show and to talk about it. I mentioned to him that I was looking for a video to post on my page. He sent me this link below. He says it is one of his favorites and I have to admit it is a nice song, so I thought I would include it in my post.

Well, back to my Robin Hood series, I have 6 more episodes to watch. Ah, a lazy Sunday, I love it.


  1. I love this show. I watch it every week. I can't wait for season two.

  2. Well, I'll be a Jack in the Box! You finally watched it. Good on ya. Now we can talk about it.

  3. Went on a big pisser last night. I just sitting here now resting also. Almost went home with a Tyre Biter last night. Only thing I can keep down today is some Rosie Lee. Another rough day.

  4. Robin Hood rocks. Loving the show. The vids are kewl. I saw your cousin on tv last weekend. He's still looking smash. Tell him we said keep on, keeping on.

  5. I luv lazy days. I am also enjoying a lovely sunny day. After watching these videos, which I must say are beautiful songs that I never heard of before, I turned the tv off and decided to just listen to some music and read a book.

  6. That there picture was my wallpaper for a few weeks. Looks like an interesting show.

    Wait. You had to go to Ireland to try to find love? A touch extreme, dontchathink?

  7. I am watching this show right now.
